Sunday, September 04, 2005


Parents are such a pain! for some reason my father seems to think i owe him the world....but geeeeeeeez i just want a life...not like i even live there any more but sheesh. ok i"m just intirley frustrated so none of the is is going to make sence i really just want to scream and cry, they always have a way of ruining things...He can't even talk to me like an adult and thats what urks me the most...i'm a grown person I really dont think that i diserve that.. and as far as i'm concerned until he can do otherwise i shouldnt have to go over there...i really dont think i should be treated that way...I just want some respect...i've done so much for them and i dont even think they care or the think i just owe it to them...I just want a life...time to do laundry...wash dishes...go on a date without phone call after phone call!!!!!!!!....heck take a shower OooooooOOOOoo maybe a bath...couldnt get that lucky though huh? doubt it...okies I vented...laters

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