Friday, February 24, 2006


well ladies you'll be proud...He's done I'm tired of his whiney ass bullshit....thats it nothing more.

..we are be psycologicaly, and socialy different...HELL YEA Tony we are... I will always know that... thank you for reminding me what a wonderful person I am... Doubt you'd know that thought I don't belive you really know anything about me or who i really am..because if you did you wouldnt think that...anywho...once again Have a nice life Tony!...

Ok so another fine example of why we shouldnt tolerate men...i have to admit in the last few months i've totaly found some self esteem...and realized alot about my own self that i never understood. i'm actually feeling good about me and who I am for a change...anywho back to work..oh wait no sleepy time first...laters


Shana said...

Cant wait to heat this one...did you slam the cyber-net doors in his face??Psychological and Social levels huh? what is the climb up too much for him?? am I being mean??? well the kid slammed doors in my face...did not hurt my feelings but dammit he woke the kids. lol glad to hear you are finally thinking of the right parts of Anna....the other satisfactin will come later...after you have learned to love Anna...I am proud of you girl...your growing into a beautifull young woman...cant call you a dont sit like one hehe

Heidi said...

A good man that loves you is there for you, respects your beleifs, and the choices you make.I beleive you must love yourself first, to repect yourself, and to know yourself. Love will follow.

Okay that was wierd, i meant to say GIRL POWER!!!

Tabitha-n-AK said...

Hey u I "repect" u 2!!!(Heidi's made me gigle)

B strong!
This 2 shall PASS!

Princess Sarah said...

Well Im glad that you made that decision, it was about time you got rid of him, i didnt even really know him and what i read i didnt like, but I like you and need someone who loves you for who you are, creativly too!