Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Yup...thats right i'm in a mood...ready to pick a fight...ok not a fight just a really good argument...after work today i had trouble shutting the liquor store bitch off...might have had something to do with working 10 days straight at one job and working a second too...and being told my night off was canceled...oh yea lets not forget the 300 cases of booze that were delivered today...that was fun...

Heh...so don't mind me...Grin and bear it right?...well here goes...just stay out of my way damnit lol...chugga chugga woo woo...like lu says...


Heidi said...

Darn People!!! Give Anna break.

Shana said...

What pooki heard was sounds of the real world that todays gereration seems to not no the meaning of...I am proud of you Anna you have broken out of the norm for your gerneration and have taken your life into your own hands...not relying or expecting anyone else to do it for you. Way to go girl...now how to deal with a five year old...whiskey???

john r mclay said...

yer tougher than the world (and a 5-year old, also). The only thing is - any child finds your buttons that you never knew existed. If you think they've found them all, they MAKE new ones. She's lucky to have you for a friend/authority figure. You ARE making a difference in this person's life and the world. Keep being yourself.