Thursday, October 13, 2005

Dashing through the snow....

In a one horse open sleigh..Ok so the green bean has got a few more horse's under the hood...But it was snowing!!!!!! Not for long darn it but it was!!!....Oh I can't wait to go find some kickass places to go sledding this year...Just hope I can find somone to go with me...Love the end of the circle ladie's...But well yea..It's the kiddie hill...*sigh* snow...gimmie 6 months I'll be sick of shoveling it...Cause BOB SUCKS!
(picture was taken 2 years ago, by me, around the kink flats on the Glen highway)

1 comment:

Shana said...

BEAUTIFUL but could we not hope for it untill I am done moving pleeeeeeeeeeeez