Friday, June 29, 2007


So the dog is finally found something that puts fear into her little bones. thunder...I truly think she thinks it is gunshots...but it makes her crazy. the last few days it has been in the mid 90's here with an incredibly high humidity so we get thunder showers every night. I think it's cool I love watching the storm...can't say the same for blue.

Brian and I are kinda at our stress point as far as my parents go. we are going to be moving over to my cousins so that first we have AC and can actually sleep and second so I can be a good 30 min drive from my parents. my mom is playing her normal mind games...getting my dad to do her dirty work or calling me when she has something to nit pick at Brian about like I'm his mother! we have gotten a lot of work done here but there is so much more. I have been keeping in contact with my brothers so that they know what is going on. neither of them had any idea how sick both of my parents mom has been playing it as everything is pppeeeaacchhhyy. WRONG!!! so yea I've been trying to keep them on the ball.

everything else is going well. I have an interview on Monday @ Macy's for visual merchandising...not sure if I'm going but I thought it would be a lot of fun. I figure I'll go to the interview to at least see what they are going to pay me...never know might make me rich...sorry I just woke up I must still be dreaming... laters


Heidi said...

I hope you get the job!

Anna said...

me too I think it will be fun it's only part time so a lot of it depends on how much lol

Shana said...

think Macey's pays commission...enjoy the storms for me...we do not need them at the moment...