Thursday, March 27, 2008


Have you ever wondered what is happening to our world?....wonder where we are going?...I you?...He is coming...and I believe.

The American dollar is crashing the Euro is soon to be the money of the world. Our country is falling We are battling over our next leader, Other countries are watching...and waiting. World war III is eminent. Our world as we know it is coming to an end. We are walking into our own distruction that has been foretold for years. The Bible had predicted this for centuries, God gave us 6,000 years to prove to him that he is the one and only....We as the human race have failed to follow his few guidelines for life...we will all soon understand.

I Understand now that I should have Believed in God and his son much sooner in life...maybe I all ways have. I just haven't ever understood religion in general...I know why now... they are wrong.

I will continue to worship the one true God...The God of Abraham...I AM A BELIEVER! God Bless.


Shana said...

Thank you Anna...I know my family will be in good hands with you if anything ever happens to me...just keep listening to your is on the right path. GODS LOVE to you and if you believe HE will protect and provide...that is what a father is suppose to do.

Azure said...

Well said. :)