Saturday, May 13, 2006

So I can't go anywhere with shana without torturing myself so I've noticed...And I just noticed I beat her to Blogging today which will probly never happen again. But anyhow... We took the kids including Amaris to the park....Ok the school but everyone knows they have cooler play equipment...God I miss being in elementary school. So we played it was late but it was still light out! hehe...

we made our way around the school yard...And then we got to the swings...heh I love to swing...You feel like your flying..*sigh* until you go so high you start losing your stomach...But nope I was allllll goood...However as I'm flying through the sky I thought to myself...hmm I bet I could still jump like I did then...It's only pea gravel...Really nice cushion...Little impact...I could do this...So I catch the right speed...Adjust....And the dismount...*THWACK* ugh...You really shouldn't try this while wearing a purse....So I tried to hang myself...It was an accident I swear....Forgot all about the purse in fact...But as usual when with shana I crumpled to the ground hysterically laughing....Just another sight to see...BUT my feet didn't end up above my head this time!

1 comment:

Shana said...

I am not responsible for your clutsyness...but man the hickey you recieved from that swing was knarley...I cant take you anywhere without you misbehaving!!